环境生态工程系 +

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发布人: 发布日期:2022-03-02



杜露,女,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,江苏省科技副总项目人才,Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyWaste Management,《环境工程》等期刊编委/审稿专家。主要从事水体生态修复、水生植物生理生态学、环境微生物群落驱动物质循环等方面科研与教学工作。








(1) Cai B, Chen YH*, Du L*, Liu ZM, He LJ. Spent mushroom compost and calcium carbonate modification enhances phytoremediation potential of Macleaya cordata to lead-zinc mine tailings[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 294 (2021) 113029.

(2) Du L, Zhao Y, Wang C, Chen Q R, Zhang X, Zhang, L P, Wu, J M, Wu Z B, Zhou Q H*. Removal performance of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in swine wastewater by integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands with zeolite substrate[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 721. 

(3) Du L, Chen Q, Liu P, et al. Phosphorus removal performance and biological dephosphorization process in treating reclaimed water by Integrated Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands (IVCWs)[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 243: 204-211.

(4) Zheng Xuan , Liu Xing , Yang Hang, Du L*, Fu Xinxi , Guo Dandan , Chen Yonghua. Effect of macroporous zeolite substrate on denitrification in tidal flow constructed wetland. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2023, 32: 103424 

(5) Du L, Yang H, Xie J, Han L, Liu Z Y, Liu Z M, Chen Y H*, Su R K. The Potential of Paulownia fortunei L. for the Phytoremediation of Pb[J]. Forest, 2023, 14(6): 1245.

(6) Zhang M, Chen Y*, Du L*, Wu Y, Liu Z, Han L.The potential of Paulownia fortunei seedlings for the phytoremediation of manganese slag amended with spent mushroom compost. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 196, 110538. 

(7) Du L, Zhao Y, Wang C, Wu Z, Zhou Q*. Effects of plant on denitrification pathways in integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland treating swine wastewater[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 201(15): 110752.

(8) Du L, Xuantung T, Chen Q, Wang C, Wang H H, Xia X, Zhou Q H*, Xu D, Wu Z B. Enhancement of microbial nitrogen removal pathway by vegetation in Integrated Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands (IVCWs) for treating reclaimed water[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249: 644-651. 

(9) Du L, Xuantung T, Chen Q, Wang C, Liu S S, Liu P P, Zhou Q H*, Xu D, Wu Z B. Effect of clinoptilolite on ammonia emissions in integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands (IVCWs) treating swine wastewater[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2018, 122: 153-158.

(10) Du L, Zhang M Y, Qi L Y, Liu S. W, Ren T, Tan Q, Chen Y H*. Physiological and biochemical response of P. fortunei to Mn exposure[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(18): 52646-52657. 

(11) Zhang Q, Chen Y*, Du L*, Zhang M, Han L. Accumulation and subcellular distribution of heavy metal in Paulownia fortunei cultivated in lead-zinc slag amended with peat[J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2019, 21(4): 1-8. 

(12) Du L, Chen Y H*, Chen Y, Zhuge Z D, Fu X X. Performance of woody and herbaceous plant polyculture in constructed wetland for treating domestic wastewater[J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2020: 22(7): 679-686. 


(1) 湖南省科技厅,青年科学基金项目,2021JJ41080,游离氨胁迫下改性生物沸石人工湿地对畜禽污水应答机制及促脱氮性能研究,2021.1-2023.125万元,主持。

(2) 湖南省教育厅,优秀青年项目,20B595人工湿地沸石/厌氧氨氧化耦合系统阻控畜禽污水NH3挥发及其机制研究2021.1-2023.126万元,主持。

(3) 湖南生态环境厅,环保科研重点项目,202008,宏孔沸石人工湿地厌氧氨氧化强化低C/N污水脱N性能及其机制研究,2020.12-2022.1216万元,主持。

(4) 国家十三五水专项任务,阜阳黑臭河流生态恢复关键技术研发及工程示范2017ZX07602002-004-01, 2018.1- 2020.12, 60万元,参与。

(5) 湖南省科技厅,省重点研发计划项目,2018SK2017,黑臭水体植物修复系统的构建研究与应用,2019/09-2021/630万,参与。







