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发布人: 发布日期:2021-06-04





(1)2014/09-2017/06:  中国科学院大学,理学博士

(2)2016/08-2017/02Rutgers University,联合培养博士生

(3)2011/09-2013/12:  中山大学,环境科学与工程学院,理学硕士

(4)2007/09-2011/06:  中山大学,环境科学与工程学院,理学学士




(3)2017/07-2019/07:  中国科学院华南植物园,博士后


(1) Yanting Hu; Karina V.R. Schäfer; Songjiang Hu; Wenneng Zhou; Dong Xiang; Yelin Zeng; Shuai Ouyang; Liang Chen; Pifeng Lei; Xiangwen Deng; Zhonghui Zhao; Xi Fang; Wenhua Xiang*. Woody species with higher hydraulic efficiency or lower photosynthetic capacity discriminate more against 13C at the global scale, Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 908: 168172.

(2) Yanting Hu; Zhihui Sun; Yelin Zeng; Shuai Ouyang; Liang Chen; Pifeng Lei; Xiangwen Deng; Zhonghui Zhao; Xi Fang; Wenhua Xiang*. 2023. Tree-level stomatal regulation is more closely related to xylem hydraulic traits than to leaf photosynthetic traits across diverse tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 329:109291.

(3) Yanting Hu; Wenhua Xiang; Karina V.R. Schäfer; Pifeng Lei; Xiangwen Deng; David I. Forrester; Xi Fang; Yelin Zeng; Shuai Ouyang; Liang Chen; Changhui Peng; Photosynthetic and hydraulic traits influence forest resistance and resilience to drought stress across different biomes, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 154517.

(4) Yanting HuKarina V. R. SchäferLiwei ZhuPing Zhao*; Xiuhua ZhaoGuangyan NiYaxing ZhangHuiying YeWanli ZhaoWeijun ShenShenglei Fu. Impacts of canopy and understory nitrogen additions on stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation of dominant tree species in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest. Ecosystems, 2021, 24, 1468-1484.

(5) Yanting Hu; Tomer Duman; Dirk Vanderklein; Ping Zhao; Karina V. R. Schäfer*. A stomatal optimization approach improves the estimation of carbon assimilation from sap flow measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279: 107735.

(6) Yanting Hu; Ping Zhao*; Liwei Zhu; Xiuhua Zhao; Guangyan Ni; Lei Ouyang; Karina V.R. Schäfer; Weijun Shen. Responses of sap flux and intrinsic water use efficiency to canopy and understory nitrogen addition in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 648: 325-336.

(7) Yanting Hu; Ping Zhao*; Weijun Shen; Liwei Zhu; Guangyan Ni; Xiuhua Zhao; Zhenzhen Zhang; Xingquan Rao; Lei Ouyang; Xiaomin Zeng; Dan Sun; Yongbiao Lin. Responses of tree transpiration and growth to seasonal rainfall redistribution in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Ecosystems, 2018, 21(4): 811-826.

(8) Yanting Hu; Ping Zhao*; Junfeng Niu; Zhenwei Sun; Liwei Zhu; Guangyan Ni. Canopy stomatal uptake of NOX, SO2 and O3 by mature urban plantations based on sap flow measurement. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 125: 165-177.

(9) Yanting Hu; Ping Zhao*; Yuqing Huang; Liwei Zhu; Guangyan Ni; Xiuhua Zhao; Zhihong Huang. Hydrologic balance, net primary productivity and water use efficiency of the introduced exotic Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in south-western China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019, 12(6): 982-992.

(10) Yanting Hu; Jianguo Gao; Ping Zhao*; Weijun Shen; Peiqiang Zhao; Liwei Zhu; Guangyan Ni; Junfeng Niu; Lei Ouyang. Water transport of native and exotic tree species in relation to xylem anatomical characteristics in low subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018, 11(3): 423-433.


(1) 国家自然科学基金委青年基金:南亚热带常绿阔叶林优势树种固碳对降雨变化和氮添加交互作用的响应(2019/01-2021/12)

(2) 中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资助项目:林冠氮沉降对落叶阔叶林植被碳吸收和水分利用的影响(2017/07-2019/07)

(3) 广东省应用植物学重点实验室开放课题:氮添加对亚热带杉木人工林整树碳同化速率的影响机制(2024/01-2025/12)

(4) 湖南省自然科学基金委青年项目:氮添加对亚热带杉木人工林植被碳固存的影响机制(2022/01-2024/12)






